What determines the cost of a local move?

Moving across town? Moving across a state? Which move is considered a “local move?” This is a common topic of confusion. For most states, local moves are considered moves within the same state. However, there are some states, such as California, where only moves that are less than 100 [...]

What determines the cost of a local move?

Guide to Residential Styles

Every house has a style. Sometimes it has two or more; because of renovations and new, eclectic mixes, fitting a home into one specific category can be daunting or even impossible. Thankfully, there’s no need to memorize complicated architectural terminology. REALTOR® Magazine has compiled a convenient compendium of common styles. [...]

Guide to Residential Styles

Will McMansions Trend Once Again? Big Houses vs. Small Houses

In recent years, Americans have favored smaller homes, while interest in supersized suburban homes has waned. But the pandemic may be changing those preferences, and big homes may be “in” once again. As millions of Americans may be looking at where they live with a new lens, having been more [...]

Will McMansions Trend Once Again? Big Houses vs. Small Houses

How to Minimize Your Home-Buying Stress

Know What You Want, but Be Flexible. ... Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage Loan, and not just Pre-Qualified– saves time and last minute stress trying to find documents or learn about an unpaid balance that will now need to paid. Listen and use Your Real Estate Agent. ... that is [...]

How to Minimize Your Home-Buying Stress

Average Recoup Costs with Home Improvements

Are thinking of doing some projects around the house, but don't want to overspend and not recoup the costs when you sale?   Don't feel guilty about financing smaller, low-risk projects that are sure to increase your equity. For example, upgraded insulation may not be sexy, but according to the National [...]

Average Recoup Costs with Home Improvements

Coronavirus Mortgage Relief: What You Need To Know

Mortgage lenders, and the federal agencies that regulate lenders, are putting coronavirus mortgage relief measures in place to ensure homeowners have options if they're unable to make payments. Your first stop in the face of financial hardship is your lender or bank. Just keep in mind lenders are working to [...]

Coronavirus Mortgage Relief: What You Need To Know
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