This week Governor Brown issued new requirements and guidance on face coverings.  The law mandates face coverings statewide for employees, contractors, customers and visitors of a specified list of businesses as well as “indoor spaces open to the public.”


Real Estate Offices and Buildings

Real estate offices are not specifically included in the list of businesses to which the requirement applies. However, your building is an “indoor spaces open to the public” if the public has access by right or invitation, express or implied. If that is the case, face coverings are required in your building for visitors, employees, contractors and volunteers.


Employees, contractors and volunteers can remove their face coverings when at or in a location where the employee, contractor or volunteer is not interacting with the public and six or more feet of distance can be maintained between other people.


Open Houses

The Governor’s order does not specifically mention open houses. However, based on the language of the order it is reasonable to assume that an open house is an “indoor space open to the public” and that face coverings are required.


Thus, it would be a best practice to require face coverings both because it is likely required by law and because it will help keep members of the public, REALTORS® and their clients safe. Keep in mind that in addition to face covering requirements, public gatherings are only allowed in Oregon while maintaining 6 feet of distance. Thus, open house protocols should be modified to adhere to 6 feet of distancing.


Interested persons should read the Governor’s guidance for additional details, including requirements about notice and reasonable accommodations.